AbstractOps Support

AbstractOps Support
Photo by Matthew Waring / Unsplash

AbstractOps has three different types of support tools.

  1. The AbstractOps Knowledge Base
  2. Messaging feature
  3. Support email request

In this article you will find a detailed description of each of these modes of support as well as instructions on how to use them.

Knowledge Base

The AbstractOps Knowledge Base (which you are viewing now) is our help centre. In our help centre you will find tutorials on how to use the AbstractOps product, as well as help articles about a variety of different topics ranging from back office operations to regulatory compliance and much more. To access the AbstractOps Knowledge Base open the search bar in the top left of the product and begin searching what you are looking for.



The Messages feature is located in various sections of AbstractOps. Messages can be found directly in the State Compliance Dashboard, within each state page, within each state registration workflow, and within each issue you submit (if you are a Core customer). This is the method of communication that our team will use to reach out to you for any inquiries relating to the notices you submit or the registrations you have in progress. You can also use this to collaborate with your internal team.

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